St Vincent Ferrer
The Dominican Saints of the Church of Sen Piyer
St. Vincent Ferrer (1350-1419) was born in Valencia (Spain). He travelled all over Europe, calling tirelessly for people to renounce sin, carrying out miraculous healing and announcing the Divine Judgement.
The painting shows St. Vincent healing a paralysed patient. A flame above his head understandably marks the Ascension of Jesus Christ and the Pentecost. Vincenzo was well understood by everyone when praying [preaching?], even though he only knew the Valencian language.
C. Monge, L. Refatti, Santi Domenicani, in C. Monge, S. Pedone, Domenicani a Costantinopoli prima e dopo l’impero ottomano. Storie, immagini e documenti d’archivio, Firenze, Nerbini 2017 (Biblioteca di Memorie Domenicane, 17), pp. 281-283.