
1) I. The Dominican Study Institute (DoSt-I) of Istanbul, located in the Dominican domus “Saints Peter and Paul”, Galata Kulesi Sok. 28, Bereketzade Mah. 34420, Karaköy, is a centre of specialized study of the Province of Saint Dominic in Italy,1 as defined by the Constitutions of the Order of Preachers (LCO 91 and 92§3).

II. Taking advantage of Istanbul’s rich and diverse religious and cultural environment, DoSt-I develops a scientific methodology of comparative study and research, focussing on interreligious and ecumenical problems in relation not only to theological, artistic, and cultural heritage, but also to the didactic and cultic implementation of a renewed dialogue adapted to the times.

2) I. DoSt-I promotes interdisciplinary study and research and encourages academic activities through the organisation of seminars, training schools (summer school, winter school, etc.), cycles of conferences, and events of cultural and religious interest.

II. It can collaborate with related institutes that share the same mission, with research centres in Turkey or abroad, and with universities.

III. It may also make its expertise and human resources available, share its facilities (library and common work spaces) with other scientific institutions and welcome students and researchers for individual or group training.

3) I. DoSt-I encourages the publication of the results of research promoted by the Institute through scientific works such as conference proceedings, collective monographs, etc., and assesses the possibility of proposing and assuming the editorship of scientific series.

II. As part of the historical collaboration between the DoSt-l and the Institut dominicain d’études orientales (IDEO) in Cairo, the Institute contributes to the editing of an insert (Byzantine-Turkish-Ottoman) in the specialised journal Mélanges de l’Institut dominicain d’études orientales (MIDÉO), in which the research of IDEO members is included.

4) I. Dost-l is composed by the Governing Board (Board) and the members, who comprise of both Dominican friars and laity.

II. The Board is composed of its members ex officio who are the director, the secretary, the director of the library and archives (librarian) and the regent for studies of the Province of San Domenico in Italy as well as of appointed members.

III. Members of DoSt-I are all the individuals who pay the membership fee, adhere to the activities proposed by the cultural centre and promote its cultural work.

5) I. The director of DoSt-I is a Dominican friar, resident in Istanbul, appointed by the Prior Provincial of the Province of San Domenico in Italy after prior consultation with the Board. His mandate is for five years and renewable. For a serious cause he may be relieved from his office by the Council of the Province of St. Dominic in Italy.

II. The duties of the director are to convene and preside over the Board; to present the agenda of the Board meetings; to coordinate and direct the activities of Dost-l; to draw up the annual final and programmatic activities report for the Board, the Council of the Province and for those who have the right to read it.

6) I. The Librarian is appointed by the Director of DoSt-I for a renewable 5-year term and after consultation with the Board.

II. The duties of the librarian are to manage the library, determine acquisitions, and to decide on opening and closing times to the public or to those who make formal requests for consultation. The librarian also submits the library’s annual plan for evaluation and approval by the board. Finally, he/she undertakes to keep the catalogue computer systems constantly updated, so as to ensure continuity in the work of the library.

7) I. The secretary is responsible for the economic and administrative management of the DoSt-I.

II. He/she is appointed by the Director of DoSt-I, after consulting the Board, and holds office for a renewable 5-year term.

III. He/she submits the budgets to the auditors, the Board and Council of the Province; sends the minutes of the Board meetings; assists the director and the librarian in organising the activities of DoSt-I and for all aspects that directly or indirectly involve the library. The Secretary transmits to the Council of the Province the names proposed by the Board for the appointment of the new director.

8) I. The appointed members of the Board are presented and unanimously approved by the Board and remain in office for a renewable term of 5 years.

II. The tasks of the Board are to define the planning of cultural and research activities; establish guidelines for library purchasing policies; approve the budgets and final accounts and the agreements and protocols of collaboration with other institutes; propose the name of the new director to the provincial prior; approve expenses exceeding 5,000 euros; and to propose changes to the Statute to the Council of the Province.

III. The Governing Council meets at least four times a year, also virtually.

9) I. The board of auditors is appointed by the Council of the Province.

II. It verifies and validates the final balance sheets before submitting them to the Board.

10) I. DoSt-I is ordinarily financed by the Province of San Domenico in Italy and by the domus “Saints Peter and Paul”. Other sources of funding for DoSt-I are any donations, grants, subsidies or offers, bequests as well as funding related to European cultural calls, ministerial or university research calls, grants, fundraising and crowdfunding activities.

II. The final balance sheets of DoSt-I are public documents and are made available in the event of an official request.