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A lectio by Msgr. Paolo Bizzeti, S.J.
Msgr. Paolo has not only been the Apostolic Vicar of Anatolia, a dioceses which includes Antioch and Tarsus, since 2015, but he also possesses a profound knowledge of Turkey’s biblical history. In 2008 he published a commentary on the Acts of the Apostles titled “Fino ai confini estremi” (Until the Farthest Borders) and in 2014 “Turchia. Guida biblica, patristica, archeologica, turistica” (Turkey. A Biblical, Patristical and Turistic Guide).
A few days after Women’s Day, he will provide us with an enlightening lectio to through which we shall discover the female protagonists of the first Christian communities.
Speaker: Paolo Bizzeti, Apostolic Vicar of Anatolia
Language: Italian with English translation
Where: Sen Piyer Kilise, Galata Kulesi sk. 26, Beyoğlu
When: 12th of March at 19.00
Free entry