Terrae Incognitae
Language and Culture in Medieval Crimea
In the fourth appointment of the conference series ‘Middle Ages on the Move‘, Antonio Musarra will examine the Codex Cumanicus from a “Western” point of view and Nicole Kançal-Ferrari will focus on architectural diversity in medieval Crimea.
Through this conference, we will seek to see the influences and reactions that resulted from the encounter between Western and Turkish cultures in medieval Crimea.
Nicole Kançal-Ferrari is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Design, Marmara University, Istanbul. She is the author of numerous books, book chapters, and articles on Turkish and Islamic art and architecture. Her specific research interests encompass the material culture of the Northern Black Sea Region, with a particular emphasis on the Golden Horde and Crimean Khanates; the culture of death in the Ottoman environment; and Islamic visual and architectural culture along with its agency.
Antonio Musarra is Associate Professor of Medieval History at La Sapienza University in Rome. He specializes in medieval Genoa, the Crusades and the Latin East, and Italian expansion in the medieval Mediterranean (11th to 15th centuries). His research interests include merchant networks, navigation, and naval warfare. He is the author of more than 20 monographs and 120 articles and is currently completing a new book on Bethlehem in Medieval time.
Speakers: Nicole Kançal-Ferrari, Antonio Musarra
Language: English with live Turkish translation
Where: Sen Piyer Kilisesi, Galata Kulesi sk. 26, Beyoğlu
When: 22th of March, 8.15pm
Free Entry