Ecumenism and Eucharist
The theme of the last appointment of the conference series dedicated to the mystery of the Eucharist is the thorny and challenging question of the relationship between ecumenism and the Eucharist. Although Orthodox and Catholic Christians share the same Eucharistic faith, they cannot celebrate together what is the mystery and sacrament of unity. The Protestant and Evangelical churches have developed a radically different understanding of the Eucharistic celebration. Is the Eucharist, therefore, an obstacle or an aid to the ecumenical process?
The speaker who will address this fundamental question is fr. Claudio Monge op.
Claudio Monge is a Dominican friar, director of DoSt-I, professor at the Theological Faculty of Emilia Romagna, and the Institute of Ecumenical Studies in Venice, and consultant to the Pontifical Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue. He obtained his doctorate in fundamental theology at the University of Strasbourg with a thesis on hospitality in the Abrahamic religions.
The conference will be in Turkish, free and open to all.
Speaker: Claudio Monge
Language: Türkçe
Where: Sen Piyer Kilisesi, Galata Kulesi sk. 26, Beyoğlu
When: 27 December at 7PM
Free entry