Strange Encounters in the Middle Kingdom
Strange Encounters in the Middle Kingdom Two Podcasts on Christians and Muslims in China (one in English and one in Turkish) In the fifth appointment of the conference series ‘Middle Ages on the Move‘, whixh took place the 26th of April, Ermanno Visintainer talks about how Christians came into contact with Chinese culture in the …
Nevzat Sayın
The Malatya Mosque and the Izmir Balçova Cemevi Series of Conferences 2025 “Contemporary Religious Architecture in the Mediterranean World” – Speaker: Nevzat Sayın Nevzat Sayın, one of the Turkey’s prominent contemporary architects, has been contributing to the field of contemporary design, architectural thought, and practice since 1986 through his work at NSMH. He is a …
Religious Spaces | Sacred Spaces
Religious Space | Sacred Space An Interreligious Conversation The sacred is a space/time in which, often through a series of rites, the faithful attempt to pay homage to God, or even to supernatural forces. The reality of holy places is universal, regardless of cultural area. It is a quest for the absolute, a search for …
Contemporary Religious Architecture in the Mediterranean World
Project owner institutions: Dost-I and İstanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi – Department of SociologyIn cooperation with: Depo Pergamon, Istituto Italiano di Cultura – Istanbul, Instituto Cervantes – Istanbul 2025 / Cycle of Conferences CONTEMPORARY RELIGIOUS ARCHITECTURE IN THE MEDITERRANEAN WORLD Scientific responsible for the project:Erhan Berat Fındıklı – İstanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi – Department of SociologyOrganising Committee: Claudio …
Contemporary Religious Architecture in the Mediterranean World Read More »
Ecumenism and Eucharist
Ecumenism and Eucharist Conference The theme of the last appointment of the conference series dedicated to the mystery of the Eucharist is the thorny and challenging question of the relationship between ecumenism and the Eucharist. Although Orthodox and Catholic Christians share the same Eucharistic faith, they cannot celebrate together what is the mystery and sacrament …
The Eucharist according to Thomas Aquinas
The Eucharist according to Thomas Aquinas Conference In the third appointment of the lecture series dedicated to the mystery of the Eucharist, fr. Luca Refatti op will present the thought of the medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas. After briefly introducing the figure of Thomas, fr. Luca will analyse the specificity of the Eucharist in relation to …
Under the Sign of Universal Peace
Under the Sign of Universal Peace Two Podcasts on Mendicant Friars in the Mongol Empire (in English) In the sixfth appointment of the conference series ‘Middle Ages on the Move‘, Lorenzo Pubblici told us the extraordinary adventure of Giovanni di Pian del Carpine, an Italian friar and diplomat who embarked on a pioneering journey as the first …
The Eucharist in the history of art
The Eucharist in the History of Art Conference The second of four lectures on the mystery of the Eucharist, the most important sacrament of the Church, celebrated at every Mass, will be presented by Artem Vaniushin. Artem Vaniushin will accompany us on a splendid visual journey. We will learn how the Eucharistic mystery is depicted …
The Eucharist accordind to the Gospel of John
The Eucharist according to the Gospel of John Conference This is the first of four conferences on the Eucharistic mystery, the most important sacrament of the Church, which is celebrated during every mass. The first speaker will be the bishop of Istanbul, mons. Massimiliano Palinuro.Mons. Palinuro holds a doctorate in Biblical Studies from the Pontifical …