The Fossati Brothers
Journal of Swiss Archaeology and Art History
This issue comprises four papers presented at the international workshop “The Fossati Brothers. Swiss Architects from Morcote to Istanbul” on October 1-2, 2021 in Istanbul. The event, promoted by the Swiss Embassy, in particular by the then Deputy Head of Mission in Ankara, Tiziano Balmelli, and the Swiss Consul General in Istanbul, Julien Thöni, jointly with the Dominican Study Institute of Istanbul (DoSt-I), brought together scholars of art history and architectural history from Italy, Russia, Turkey and Switzerland in an unforgettable way. The two-day conference focused on the architectural work of the two architects from Morcote, Gaspare Fossati (1809-1883) and his brother Giuseppe (1822-1891), created during their more than twenty-year stay in Istanbul.
You can click here to see the video recordings of the lectures.
The following people were members of the scientific committee: Yonca Erkan, UNESCO Chair, Management & Promotion of World Heritage Sites, Kadir Has University; Paolo Girardelli, Professor of Art and Architectural History, Department of History, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul; Daniela Mondini, Professor of Art and Architectural History, Istituto di storia e teoria dell’arte e dell’architettura, Università della Svizzera italiana (USI); Claudio Monge, DoSt-I, Prior of the Domin- ican Convent Saint Peter in Galata, Istanbul; Silvia Pedone, DoSt-I, Accademia dei Lincei Rome; Luca Refatti, DoSt-I.