The blessed Virgin Mary
There are 3 main representation of the blessed Virgin Mary in the church.
1.Virgin Mary Odighitria,“the Guide”
The greatest treasure that the church possesses is the famous icon of the blessed Virgin Mary Odighitria, “the Guide”. Although its setting is of recent date, the icon has an exceptional history.
Later an anonymous goldsmith framed the ancient picture in a protective case made of embossed silver plate (1m20 x 1m60); in this Mary graciously welcomes the Order of saint Dominic under her mantle.
On one side of the entrance portal, in the semi darkness, there is an expressive 18th century crucifix and opposite is a hexagonal baptistry made of grey marble in the shape of a ciborium. This church, deprived of a grand street façade, has instead in its inside, above the entrance, two well-proportioned galleries with decorative wooden balusters: an organ gallery (the organ is the work of Camillo Bianchi, 1875) and the smaller upper gallery, from where the pupils of the Italian school could follow the religious ceremonies.

This icon escaped the fire of 1731, incredible!!
2. Blessed Virgin Mary statute
One enters the nave on the right side, through polychrome marble portal, the work of the Genoese sculptor Drago.
Some graceful faces of angels and flower decorations surround the arms of the Dominican Order: on the peak of the pediment stands the pontifical Tiara and Pallium. On entry, one is immediately struck by the harmonious beauty of the nave which focuses attention on the High Altar.

3.Lady of the rosary

Painting of our Lady of the Rosary and at her feet we can see Saint Dominic on the left side and Saint Catherine of Siena on the right side.
But what’s the Rosary?
It is a prayer, which originated in the Middle Ages to help pray for monks who did not know the psalms by heart. At that time, in fact, books were rare, expensive and handwritten. Its final structure was given by the Friars Preachers (Dominicans), who also spread it throughout the world. It is recited as follows: 1 “Our Father,” 10 “Hail Mary,” 1 “Gloria,” for a total of 15 times.
In each cycle “Our Father – 10 Hail Mary – Gloria” (called a decade) an episode from the life of Jesus or Mary is recalled.
In all, 150 Hail Marys are prayed, as 150 are the Psalms of David.
Those who pray the Rosary can pray it all or part of the Rosary, alone or in a group, in Church or anywhere, aloud or mentally, using a crown (similar to the tesbih or Muslim rosary) or the fingers of the hand, meditating on the life of Jesus, praying for some loved one or, simply, letting the words spoken lull them.