Strange Encounters in the Middle Kingdom
Christians and Muslims in China
In the fifth appointment of the conference series ‘Middle Ages on the Move‘, Ermanno Visintainer will talk about how Christians came into contact with Chinese culture in the Middle Ages, while Hayrettin İhsan Erkoç will explain how Muslims came into contact with Chinese culture during the same period. The conference will focus more on cultural aspects than on political or military ones.
Hayrettin İhsan Erkoç is an associate professor in the field of general Turkish history and works as an associate professor in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of History, Department of General Turkish History . His research focuses on the organisation, army, religion, mythology and social structure of pre-Islamic Turks, with an emphasis on the Göktürk period.
Ermanno Visintainer is an honorary professor at the M. Tynyshpayev University in Almaty, Kazakhstan. An orientalist and Turkologist, he has written numerous articles on Turkology and geopolitics for various newspapers and magazines.
Speakers: Ermanno Visintainer, Hayrettin İhsan Erkoç
Language: English and Turkish with live translations
Where: Sen Piyer Kilisesi, Galata Kulesi sk. 26, Beyoğlu
When: 26th of April, 7.00 pm
Free Entry