Taizé 2023/2024
Every First Thursday of the Month
Dear brothers and sisters
In 2004, we began the journey of ecumenical prayers, in the style of the Taizé liturgy, continuing it over these almost twenty years, with few interruptions (particularly in the difficult year of the Covid 19 Pandemic). The appointment of the second Tuesday of the month currently seems less convenient in the monthly schedule. We have therefore decided to start again with a new monthly location: we invite you to resume with us this spiritual pilgrimage for peace and reconciliation,
from 8 to 9 p.m.,
in the Church of Sen Piyer, Galata Kulesi sok 26 – Karakoy.
On the occasion of our first meeting, ON THURSDAY, 5 OCTOBER 2023, we will also invite, whoever wishes, to help with the animation and preparation of this time of prayer (we particularly need voices, preferably capable of reading music, for the sung animation of prayers). We ask you, as of now, to spread the invitation, in your communities and around you.
We await you in great numbers, eager to meet again.For more informations, please write to galatacla@gmail.comor, contact at the following what’s app number: (+90) 555 548 00 92.
Best regards!