The Eucharist according to Thomas Aquinas
In the third appointment of the lecture series dedicated to the mystery of the Eucharist, fr. Luca Refatti op will present the thought of the medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas. After briefly introducing the figure of Thomas, fr. Luca will analyse the specificity of the Eucharist in relation to the other sacraments and the theory of transubstantiation. In conclusion, two important distinctions made by Thomas with respect to the Eucharist will be recalled: that between sacramental communion and spiritual communion and that between sacrament and sacrifice.
Luca Refatti has been a Dominican friar since 2011 and in Istanbul for 7 years.
The conference will be in Turkish, free and open to all.
Speaker: Luca Refatti
Language: Turkish
Where: Sen Piyer Kilisesi, Galata Kulesi sk. 26, Beyoğlu
When: 12 Dicember, at 7PM
Free entry