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A 1622 Jesuit's Translation of the Quran
The manuscript Animadversiones, Notae ac Disputationes in Pestilentem Alcoranum is an almost entirely unknown translation of the Qur’an into baroque Latin completed by the Jesuit priest Ignazio Lomellini in 1622, of which only one copy exists. It is accompanied by extensive commentaries and includes a complete text of the Qur’an in Arabic and numerous marginalia. It is, therefore, one of the earliest complete translations of the Qur’an into a western European language and a crucial document of the encounter between western Christianity and Islam in the early modern period. Prof. Shore will examins Lomellini’s understanding of Arabic and, specifically, of the cultural and religious underpinnings of Qur’anic Arabic.
Speaker: Paul Shore, Adjunct Professor of Religious Studies, University of Regina, Canada.
Language: English with Turkish Translation
Where: Sen Piyer Kilisesi, Galata Kulesi sk. 26, Beyoğlu
When: 12th of May at 20.00
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