Dominicans in Istanbul and the Church of St. Pierre
A Conference at the Atatürk Kitaplığı
Claudio Monge and Paolo Girardelli will retrace the history of the Dominicans in Istanbul until the building of the Church of Sen Piyer according to the project of Gaspare Fossati.
The conference will be moderate by Elçin Macar.
Claudio Monge : Doctor in theology of religions at the University of Strasbourg (France), where he also obtained a master’s degree in Turkish-Ottoman language and culture. Visiting professor of theology of religions, international dialogue at the University of Friborg in Switzerland. He is also responsible for the Dominican Study İnstitute of Istanbul (DoST-I) and consultant to the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue.
Paolo Girardelli : Associate Professor of History of Architecture at Bogaziçi Universitesi in Istanbul. His fields of interest concern aspects related to the evolution of the history of architecture, but also the implications of urban planning and identity politics, particularly in the cities of the Eastern Mediterranean, between the 18th and 20th centuries. century.
Elçin Macar : Faculty Member of Yıldız Technical University, Department of Political Science and International Relations. He has a book he wrote with Yorgo Benlisoy: Fener Partikhanesi, Ayraç Publications, Ankara, 1996.
Speaker: Claudio Monge, Paolo Girardelli, Elçin Macar
Language: Turkish
Where: Atatürk Kitapligi, Konferans Salonu, Gümüssuyu / Taksim
When: 26. of November at 14.00