Fossati 180
Swiss Architects from Morcote to Istanbul
2023 will mark 180 years since the construction of the church of Sen Piyer & 140 years since the death of Gaspare Fossati.
To commemorate him, the Dominican Friars together with the Swiss Consulate of Istanbul wish to restore his church and open the affiliated priory to the public again by transforming it into the Library of DoSt-I.
If you would like to help, just write to us:
10.05 Flyer_St Piyer Project (3)-compressedThe exhibition opening time:
11.2021- 09.2022 | Friday, Saturday, Sunday | 14.30 – 17.30
@ Sen Piyer Kilisesi | Galata Kulesi sk. 26 | Beyoğlu
To book a visit:
free entry
The exhibition is part of the broader initiative “The Fossati Brothers, architects from Morcote to Istanbul”, organized with the support of the Swiss Embassy in Turkey,
in collaboration with the Dominican Studies Institute (DOSTİ) and the Russian Consulate in Istanbul.
Paolo Girardelli (Boğaziçi University)
Organizing committee
Yonca Erkan, Paolo Girardelli, Daniela Mondini, Claudio Monge, Silvia Pedone, Luca Refatti
Exhibition design
Cem Kozar, Işıl Ünal, Ömercan Çakır, Serra Uludağ, PATTU,
Ege Gutay, Mert Pekdoğdu, Luca Refatti
SALT Research, Buket Coşkuner, Vanessa de Obaldia, İrem Güçlü Prifti, Deniz Mazlum, Damla Pilevne