Gregory of Nazianzus
and the question of the divinity of the Holy Spirit
Elif Tokay teaches History of Religions at University of İstanbul. İn 2013 she gained her Phd. at the University of Cardiff with a thesis on arab translations of Gregory of Nazianzus’s homilies.
İn 2021 she published the first book in Turkish on Gregory, shedding light on the development of the Christian doctrine of trinity.
DoSt-I is delighted to have prof. Tokay to present her work and to introduce us to the thought of one of the Cappadocian fathers of the Church.
Speaker: Elif Tokay, İlahiyat Fakültesi, İstanbul Üniversitesi
Language: Turkish
Where: Sen Piyer Kilisesi, Galata Kulesi sk. 26, Beyoğlu
When: 15. of December at 19.00
Free entry